Old Growth

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Old Growth


The Best Writing About Trees from Orion Magazine

Forward by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Illustrations by Patrik Svensson

Favorite Quote: From Buckeye by Scott Russell Sanders… “I learned to recognize buckeyes and beeches, sugar maples and shagbark hickories, wild cherries, walnuts, and dozens of other trees while tramping through the Ohio woods with my father. To his eyes, their shapes, their leaves, their bark, their winter buds were as distinctive as the set of a friend’s shoulders. As with friends, he was partial to some, craving their company, so he would go out of his way to visit particular trees, walking in a circle around the splayed roots of a sycamore, laying his hand against the trunk of a white oak, ruffling the feathery green boughs of a cedar.' ‘Trees breath,’ he told me. ‘Listen.’ “

From the publisher: Orion Magazine presents Old Growth, an anthology of essays and poems about the rich inner lives of trees.

Old Growth is a canopied cross section of Orion’s long history of engagement with arboreal culture, printed using 100% recycled paper, processed without chlorine, and free of plastic.

With a foreword by Robin Wall Kimmerer, Old Growth features works by: Rick Bass, Alison Hawthorne Deming, John Hay, Ursula K. Le Guin, Terese Mailhot, Emma Marris, Cecily Parks, Michael Pollan, Scott Russell Sanders, Arthur Sze, Katrina Vandenberg, Afaa Michael Weaver, and many others.

Dimensions: 5 x 7 inches

215 pages, Softcover

Pairs well with the La Nef Fusco Watercolor chocolate bar

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